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Dieting for kid - fast for juvenile

01-02-2017 à 18:23:56
Dieting for kid
People today may be gaining weight because of unhealthy food choices (like fast food) and family habits (like eating in front of the television instead of around a table). Though some people may feel they weigh too much or too little, there is no perfect body shape. The health problems that stem from being overweight go way beyond the ones we usually hear about, like diabetes and heart disease. High-calorie, low-nutrient snacks and beverages, bigger portions of food, and less-active lifestyles are all contributing to the obesity epidemic. A diet is simply the collection of the foods you regularly eat. Kids who need to lose weight may visit with a dietitian who can explain how to reduce calories safely while still getting all the necessary nutrients. After calculating BMI, a doctor will plot the result on a BMI growth chart. Some people have larger frames (bigger bones) and will always look bigger and heavier than people with smaller frames. A couple of pounds of extra body fat are not a health risk for most people. Fad diets usually promise quick weight loss and require the person to follow a strict set of guidelines. A BMI number that is equal to or greater than the 85th percentile line but less than the 95th is considered overweight. Figuring out if a teen is overweight can be more complicated than it is for adults. Being overweight can cause health problems, but kids may hurt their health even more by doing something drastic, like skipping meals or deciding to eat only lettuce. Although genes strongly influence body type and size, the environment also plays a role. previous continue Health Problems of Being Overweight. Kids usually do not need to diet in this way. When this happens, they often eat more than they need. Some kids are overweight, but even overweight kids often can improve their health simply by eating nutritious foods and being more active. Some people have a genetic tendency to gain weight more easily than others because they burn calories more slowly. continue Dangerous Diets. Some dangerous diets cut out entire categories of foods or require the person to eat just one thing, such as cabbage soup — yuck. Unlike adults, kids are still growing and developing.

Talk to your doctor if you have questions about your weight. Not only can it make someone feel tired and uncomfortable, carrying extra weight puts added stress on the body, especially the bones and joints of the legs. Doctors and other health care professionals often use a measurement called body mass index (BMI) to determine if someone is overweight. Sometimes people turn to food for emotional reasons, such as when they feel upset, anxious, sad, stressed out, or even bored. Q: How can I talk to my mom about guy stuff. When someone diets to lose weight, the person is trying to eat fewer calories than the body uses. All foods and many drinks contains calories, a kind of energy. But when people keep up a pattern of eating more calories than they burn, more and more fat builds up in their bodies. Obesity is bad news for both body and mind. During this time, kids need a variety of healthy foods to keep their bodies growing properly. When people eat more calories than they burn off, their bodies store the extra calories as fat. By doing this, the person may lose body fat and decrease his or her weight. Dangerous Diets Help for a Dangerous Dieter What Kids Can Do. During times when food was scarce, this was a real advantage. Your doctor can examine you and check your body mass index (BMI). But the majority of kids do not need to — and should not — diet this way. Dieting to Lose Weight Who Needs to Diet. You might wonder if you should be on a diet, too. Likewise, if a person eats more calories than the body uses, the person may gain weight. If the doctor is concerned about your weight, he or she can recommend a couple of goals.

Dieting for kid video:

fast for juvenile tags:
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Dieting for kid
tips on dieting for kids
dieting for kids

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